When Is an Extraction Necessary?

Find out when a tooth can be saved and when it might be time to have it removed.

No one really wants to think about it but a tooth extraction is pretty commonplace. There are many reasons why a tooth may need to be removed and it’s important that if you need to have tooth extractions, that you visit our Livingston, NJ, dentist Dr. William Gerard right away to discuss what you can expect so you can put your mind at ease.

Why do I need my tooth pulled? 

Even though permanent teeth are supposed to be…well, permanent, certain situations arise that make it mandatory to have a tooth extracted. One of the most common reasons is decay that has so severely damaged the tooth that the tooth is beyond repair.

The same issue can happen if a tooth is seriously damaged from a traumatic injury. While these tend to be the two most popular reasons why a tooth needs to be removed, our Livingston, NJ, general dentist may also recommend a tooth extraction in these situations.

A Dental Infection 

If decay or damage has spread far enough to reach the dental pulp (the center portion of the tooth) this can lead to a pretty nasty infection. Many times this problem can be corrected with root canal treatment, but if the infection is so bad that neither a root canal nor antibiotics help, then a tooth extraction may be the only way to stop the infection from spreading further.

Gum Disease 

It’s believed that as many as half of American adults have some form of gum disease. While many cases are milder, if left untreated this condition can become severe. Serious periodontal disease can affect the teeth and bones and actually cause teeth to become loose. When this happens it might actually be best to have the loose tooth pulled.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth 

While not everyone will need to have their wisdom teeth removed the vast majority will. This is because wisdom teeth don’t always grow in correctly, causing issues like overcrowding and increasing your chances of infection. Wisdom teeth that are impacted (only partially erupted through the gums) can increase the likelihood of decay or infection. Once wisdom teeth start to show up, our dentist will be able to tell you whether they will need to be extracted or not.

If you are dealing with any of the issues above, you may benefit from a tooth extraction. To discuss your dental needs, call our Livingston, NJ, dental practice today at (973) 740-1277.

Our Location

349 E. Northfield Rd. Livingston, NJ 07039

Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule


10:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-1:00 pm




8:00 am-1:00 pm, twice monthly

